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Phalcon rowcount notice with cassandra pdo

I am using cassandra pdo with phalcon it's working fine but its returnig rowcount notice when i am trying to insert data using create method.

Notice: Undefined index: rowcount

Can anyone suggest me how to fix it ??



hi, I am looking for phalcon cassandra solutions too, I am wondering how do you connect phalcon with cassandra? I am using yacassanra pdo as driver, I am trying to write customised adapter, but bit hard and need more test on cassandra.

Hi, I have used the same yacassnadrapdo (https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/YACassandraPDO). Yes its hard to write adapater for it. I used only for simple read and write so was not big challenging. here is the sample guide which I followed for db adapter https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/api/Phalcon_Db_Adapter.html.


Thanks for quick reply, I am just using YacassandraPDO with CQL, and I have encountered problems like inserting bind with data type and paginations, I will go through phalcon source code and url you send.

Hi, I have used the same yacassnadrapdo (https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/YACassandraPDO). Yes its hard to write adapater for it. I used only for simple read and write so was not big challenging. here is the sample guide which I followed for db adapter https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/api/Phalcon_Db_Adapter.html.