We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

I18N - I need a hook on not found keys / translations
Phalcon 4.x Sessions Via MySQL? SOLVED
PSR-7 autoloader does not work SOLVED
The root folder
General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded on phalcon 2.0.13
Wrong number of parameters SOLVED
Unable to Install 4.0+ on Windows
Controller not parsing parameter with special characters
Phalcon command does not work
Custom filter in request
How to deal with pagination in the project rest-api?
Phalcon model FindFirst on NULL values
How can i check CSRF token? (phalcon 4.0.6) SOLVED
Convert data only for saving
Phalcon checkHash return true First times, then return false
IDE autocomplete for custom services?
How to use HTTP method PATCH SOLVED
Fatal error: Class 'Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\' not found in
mysterious join method's behavior
short url service
Phalcon 4.0.6 Static route BUG
Phalcon 4 on PHP 7.4 - can't follow install instructions successfully
Routing with main category, undefined amount of sub categories and article name
Has anyone had any success deploying to Heroku?
Metadata datatypes are wrong
Bug in scaffold generated controller: all fields are taken from POST forms with INT type
Flash service is not defined in multi-module app SOLVED
How to set phalcon cli for cron job on cpnael
Invalid module definition
disable model event listener during testing
Phalcon 4 on PHP 7.4 error SOLVED
Phalcon 4 Bug? No updates for relations possible
Implement middleware to secure some routes SOLVED
[solved] Micro API: strange behavior with dot values with 4.0 SOLVED
phalcon4 Crypt performance
How to get fired `beforeAuthorizationResolve` without call to `getHeaders()`
zend_mm_heap corrupted on db query
Set up tests
What does it mean: Phalcon is a web framework implemented as a C extension
upgrade to phlacon4 SOLVED