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Query breaking

Hello , so i have a huge problem , on my computer the code works perfectly , but when i upload it to my linux server 1 single query breaks the hole thing. How can i fix this ?

I've noticed that when i use the ->where() clause is when the server breaks down giving me an ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED error. So i tried to remove the where clause and it works , i just dont know why if on my computer works and not on the server.


      $logs = Logs::query()
      ->innerJoin('Manager\Models\Team', 'Manager\Models\Logs.user = Manager\Models\Team.uid')
      ->where("project = :project:")

Can you show us what is inside $urlrequest?

Have you tried perhaps using rawurldecode?

You should really use modelsManager to get rid of full namespaces.

How ?

You should really use modelsManager to get rid of full namespaces.

Just get modelsManager from di, use aliases, and check docs.

Where do you get $urlrequest from? What are the actual contents of it?

What is your local environment vs. production? Windows vs. GNU/Linux?