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Get ID (UUID_SHORT()) after create model

Hi, how get id after create model, if id = UUID_SHORT();

$page->id = new RawValue('UUID_SHORT()');

after create

echo $page->id; //return UUID_SHORT()

edited Mar '14

Hi, this is my solution

create a file what extends \Phalcon\Mvc\User\Plugin;

use \Phalcon\Mvc\User\Plugin;
class Utils extends Plugin
    public function uuid()
        $result = $this->db->query("SELECT UUID_SHORT()");
        $arr = $result->fetch();
        return $arr[0];


in index.php

    require '../app/public/utils/Utils.php';
    $utils = new Utils();
    return $utils;

in controller

echo $this->utils->uuid();//95426888817704969

or model

echo $this->getDI()->getUtils()->uuid();