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How to set 404 page in https://localhost/404?

I don't understand how to set 404 page for any start number route and don't route to default index page.

If I goto https://localhost/404 (or any numbers), I see default index page, not 404 page.

This route:

    $di->set('router', function () {
        $router = new Router(false);


        $router->add('/:action', [
            'module' => 'frontend',
            'controller' => 'index',
            'action' => 1,

        $router->add('/:action/:params', [
            'module' => 'frontend',
            'controller' => 'index',
            'action' => 1,
            'params' => 2,

        $router->add('/:module/:controller/:action/:params', [
            'module'     => 1,
            'controller' => 2,
            'action'     => 3,
            'params'     => 4,


        return $router;

And this dispatcher exception for default frantend module:

            function () {
                $eventManager = new Manager();

                    function ($event, $dispatcher, $exception) {
                        switch ($exception->getCode()) {
                            case Dispatcher::EXCEPTION_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND:
                            case Dispatcher::EXCEPTION_ACTION_NOT_FOUND:
                                    'controller' => 'error',
                                    'action' => 'notFound',
                                return false;

                $dispatcher = new Dispatcher();


                return $dispatcher;

did you attempt to use the notfound command in the routes?

// Set 404 paths
        "controller" => "index",
        "action"     => "notfound",

I used this method, but nothing has changed. I use Nginx as http proxy server, and use php-fpm. Phalcon version 3.2.0 alpha 1.

did you attempt to use the notfound command in the routes?

// Set 404 paths
       "controller" => "index",
       "action"     => "notfound",
edited Apr '17

If show in index view:

<?php echo 'Action Name: ', $this->router->getActionName(), '<br><br>'; ?>

if I use this code in IndexController:

public function initialize()
        if (!$this->router->getActionName()) {
                'controller' => 'error',
                'action' => 'notFound',

I see this error:

edited Apr '17

I resolve my problem, just use this code:

$eventManager->attach('dispatch', function (Event $event, Dispatcher $dispatcher) {
                    if (!$dispatcher->getActionName()) {
                            'controller' => 'error',
                            'action' => 'notFound',

Thanks all for help me.