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Extend Criteria?

I would love to be able to extend the Criteria class and do something like this:

    ->where('id > 100')

Is this currently possible? Any way at all to do this?

So a little ghetto, but if you override Model::query() you can hijack the the criteria class with your you own implementation:

    public static function query(\Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector = null)
         * Use the global dependency injector if there is no one defined
        if (!is_object($dependencyInjector)) {
            $dependencyInjector = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault();

        $criteria = new \App\Somewhere\Criteria();

        return $criteria;


namespace App\Somewhere\Model;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Criteria as PhalconCriteria;

class Criteria extends PhalconCriteria
    public function myCustomMethod($param)
        return $this->where("crazy long query you dont want to write every where");

I don't undesrtand why in the Model class they hardcode the Criteria namespace:

    public static function query(<DiInterface> dependencyInjector = null) -> <Criteria>
        var criteria;

         * Use the global dependency injector if there is no one defined
        if typeof dependencyInjector != "object" {
            let dependencyInjector = Di::getDefault();

         * Gets Criteria instance from DI container
        if dependencyInjector instanceof DiInterface {
            // **HERE** WHY IS THIS HARDCODED?
            let criteria = <CriteriaInterface> dependencyInjector->get("Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Criteria");
        } else {
            let criteria = new Criteria();


        return criteria;


Would make more sense to check for a custom implementation before falling back to the Phalcon implementation.

edited Jun '17

I'd reverse the approach, and create a "criteria manager" class:

class CriteriaManager {
    protected $_criteria;
    public function attach(CriteriaInterface $criteria) {
        $this->_criteria = $criteria;

    public function myCustomMethod() {
        $this->_criteria->andWhere("1=1 AND column='value'");

    public function execute() {
        return $this->_criteria->execute();

Maybe not with this exact layout, but I'm sure you get the concept ;]

The real pro about this approach is that you don't have to hack into existing classes.

edited Jun '17

You can also use Phalcon\Db\Dialect\MySQL to create custom function.
Example :

use Phalcon\Db\Dialect\MySQL as SqlDialect;
use Manager\User as UserManager;
$di->set('db', function () use ($config) {  
    $dialect = new SqlDialect();
    $dialect->registerCustomFunction('GET_YEARDIFF', function($dialect, $expression) {
            return sprintf(
                'TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, %s, %s)',
    $dialect->registerCustomFunction('GROUP_AGE', function($dialect, $expression) {
            return str_replace('[age]', $dialect->getSqlExpression($expression['arguments'][0]),
                    WHEN [age] <= 17 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[0]['name'].'\'
                    WHEN [age] <= 25 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[1]['name'].'\'
                    WHEN [age] <= 35 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[2]['name'].'\'
                    WHEN [age] <= 50 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[3]['name'].'\'
                    WHEN [age] > 50 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[4]['name'].'\'
                    ELSE \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[5]['name'].'\'

    return new Mysql([
        'host' => $config[ENV]->database->host,
        'username' => $config[ENV]->database->username,
        'password' => $config[ENV]->database->password,
        'dbname' => $config[ENV]->database->dbname,
        'charset' => $config[ENV]->database->charset,
        'dialectClass' => $dialect

User::find(['columns'=>'*, GROUP_AGE(GET_YEARDIFF(us_birthday_date, current_date())) as groupAgeName']);

Thats probably a better idea. How would you then hook this into your model? I still want to be able to call Model::query() so that I don't break the existing api.

I'd reverse the approach, and create a "criteria manager" class:

class CriteriaManager {
   protected $_criteria;
  public function attach(CriteriaInterface $criteria) {
      $this->_criteria = $criteria;

  public function myCustomMethod() {
      $this->_criteria->andWhere("1=1 AND column='value'");

  public function execute() {
      return $this->_criteria->execute();

Maybe not with this exact layout, but I'm sure you get the concept ;]

The real pro about this approach is that you don't have to hack into existing classes.

edited Jun '17

Yes, dialects are also part of what I want to do. Wouldnt it be great to do this?

$ageGroups = User::query()->groupByAge()->execute();

Code doesnt come much cleaner than that.

You can also use Phalcon\Db\Dialect\MySQL to create custom function.
Example :

use Phalcon\Db\Dialect\MySQL as SqlDialect;
use Manager\User as UserManager;
$di->set('db', function () use ($config) {  
   $dialect = new SqlDialect();
   $dialect->registerCustomFunction('GET_YEARDIFF', function($dialect, $expression) {
           return sprintf(
               'TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, %s, %s)',
   $dialect->registerCustomFunction('GROUP_AGE', function($dialect, $expression) {
           return str_replace('[age]', $dialect->getSqlExpression($expression['arguments'][0]),
                   WHEN [age] <= 17 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[0]['name'].'\'
                   WHEN [age] <= 25 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[1]['name'].'\'
                   WHEN [age] <= 35 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[2]['name'].'\'
                   WHEN [age] <= 50 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[3]['name'].'\'
                   WHEN [age] > 50 THEN \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[4]['name'].'\'
                   ELSE \''.UserManager::$ageGroup[5]['name'].'\'

   return new Mysql([
       'host' => $config[ENV]->database->host,
       'username' => $config[ENV]->database->username,
       'password' => $config[ENV]->database->password,
       'dbname' => $config[ENV]->database->dbname,
       'charset' => $config[ENV]->database->charset,
       'dialectClass' => $dialect

User::find(['columns'=>'*, GROUP_AGE(GET_YEARDIFF(us_birthday_date, current_date())) as groupAgeName']);