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Many to Many whit extra fields

I don't pass extra fields to many to many relations.

May schema is :

create table attributes
    id int auto_increment
        primary key,
    name varchar(255) not null,
    status enum('active', 'deleted', 'unactive') default 'active' not null,
    creared_at datetime not null,
    updated_at datetime null

create table products
    id int auto_increment
        primary key,
    title varchar(255) null,
    summary varchar(255) null,
    content text not null,
    meta_title varchar(255) null,
    meta_key varchar(255) null,
    meta_descrp varchar(255) null,
    status enum('active', 'deleted', 'unactive', '') default '' not null,
    created_at datetime not null,
    updated_at datetime null,
    deleted_at datetime null

create index status_idx
    on products (status)

create table products_attributes
    product_id int not null,
    attribute_id int not null,
    attributes_values text not null,
    constraint products_attributes_ibfk_1
        foreign key (product_id) references mobile.products (id)
            on delete cascade,
    constraint products_attributes_ibfk_2
        foreign key (attribute_id) references mobile.attributes (id)
            on update cascade on delete cascade

create index attribute_id
    on products_attributes (attribute_id)

create index product_id
    on products_attributes (product_id)

create table users
    id int auto_increment
        primary key,
    username int not null,
    user_role set('admin') default 'admin' not null,
    password varchar(255) not null,
    status enum('acitive', 'unactive', 'deleted', '') default 'acitive' not null,
    created_at datetime not null,
    updated_at datetime null,
    deleted_at datetime null,
    constraint username
        unique (username)

My relations :

            ['alias'=>'attributes','params'=>['columns'=>' Products.*, Attributes.*, ProductsAttributes.*']]

But generated error :

Phalcon \ Mvc \ Model \ Exception
Unknown model or alias 'Products' (11), when preparing: SELECT Products.id, Attributes.value FROM [\Attributes] INNER JOIN [\ProductsAttributes] ON [\ProductsAttributes].[attribute_id] = [\Attributes].[id] WHERE [\ProductsAttributes].[product_id] = :APR0


I find solutions edit my relations defenition

public function initialize()
                        //Add array and define models name in square brackets
                             '[\ProductsAttributes].attributes_values AS vals '