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ORM cannot save relationships when toArray is being overwritten

I have recently discovered a strange ?bug? Lets say my model has category and subcategory like this:


namespace XXX\Inventory\Models;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;

class Inventory extends Model
    public $id;
    public $categoryId;
    public $subCategoryId;

    // other fields here

    public function initialize()

        $this->belongsTo('categoryId', InventoryCategory::class, 'id', [
            'alias' => 'category',
        $this->belongsTo('subCategoryId', InventorySubCategory::class, 'id', [
            'alias' => 'subCategory',

        $this::setup(['castOnHydrate' => true]);

    public function toArray($columns = null)
        $result = parent::toArray($columns);

        $result['id'] = (int)$this->id;

        if (!empty($this->category)) {
            $result['category'] = $this->category->toArray();

        if (!empty($this->subCategory)) {
            $result['subCategory'] = $this->subCategory->toArray();

        return $result;


It becomes impossible to save relationships by setting

$entity = Inventory::findOneById(12);
$entity->categoryId = 1;
$entity->subCategoryId = 2;

Every other field saves properly but not categoryId nor subCategoryId. There are 2 workarounds of this problem:

  1. Comment out toArray those lines:

        if (!empty($this->category)) {
            $result['category'] = $this->category->toArray();
        if (!empty($this->subCategory)) {
            $result['subCategory'] = $this->subCategory->toArray();
  2. Remove relationships:
        $this->belongsTo('categoryId', InventoryCategory::class, 'id', [
            'alias' => 'category',
        $this->belongsTo('subCategoryId', InventorySubCategory::class, 'id', [
            'alias' => 'subCategory',

Is it suppose to be working like this or am I missing something?

edited Mar '18

There's one line in the model source where toArray is used, this may be the culprit.


I'm not sure what the exact problem may be (might not be related to this at all, since it's inside the serializer), but it may help debugging ;]

edited Mar '18

Well I don't see it inside save() function.

Exact problem with this code:

$entity = Inventory::findOneById(12);
$entity->categoryId = 1;
$entity->subCategoryId = 2;
var_dump($entity->categoryId); // 1
var_dump($entity->subCategoryId); // 2
var_dump($entity->categoryId); // old categoryId
var_dump($entity->subCategoryId); // old subCategoryId

Of course database values don't change either. Removing relationships OR commenting out toArray modifications resolves the problem but thats not a solution.

edited Mar '18

The dumbest solution I couldn't even dreamt on worked flawlessly:


    if (!empty($this->category)) {
        $result['category'] = $this->category->toArray();

This fixes it:

        if ($relCategory = $this->getRelated('category')) {
            $result['category'] = $relCategory->toArray();

Anyone can explain why previous solution didn't work? What exactly is happening under the hood that checking empty doesn't work?


Try with $this->getCategory()