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Module **** isn't registered in the application container


I have a problem when i try to redirect to an other page.

i have this error : Exception: Module '*****' isn't registered in the application container

My router :

$router->add('/', array(
        "namespace" => 'Controllers\*****',
        "controller" => 'index',
        "action" => 'index'

    $registered_modules = array();
    $controller_dir = __DIR__."/../controllers/";

    foreach (glob($controller_dir."*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $namespace_name) {
        $module_name = basename($namespace_name);

        $registered_modules[strtolower($module_name)]= "Controllers\\".$module_name;
    // add routing for all controllers, using the following convention:
    // \module\controller\action\params
    // where module is mapped to the corresponding namespace
    foreach ($registered_modules as $module_name => $namespace_name) {
        $router->add("/".$module_name."/", array(
            "namespace" => $namespace_name,
             "module" => $module_name

        $router->add("/".$module_name."/:controller/", array(
            "module" => $module_name,
            "namespace" => $namespace_name,
            "controller" => 1

        $router->add("/".$module_name."/:controller/:action/", array(
            "module" => $module_name,
            "namespace" =>  $namespace_name,
            "controller" => 1,
            "action" => 2

        $router->add("/".$module_name."/:controller/:action/:params", array(
            "module" => $module_name,
            "namespace" => $namespace_name,
            "controller" => 1,
            "action" => 2,
            "params" => 3

        $router->add("/".$module_name."/:controller/:action/:params", array(
            "module" => $module_name,
            "namespace" => $namespace_name,
            "controller" => 1,
            "action" => 2,
            "params" => 3



    return $router;

My indexController :

namespace Controllers\*****;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

class IndexController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        //DebugBreak("[email protected];d=1,p=0");
        $this->response->redirect("madera/login/index", true);

and my LoginController :

namespace Controllers\*****;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;
use Models\Madera\Authentifaction;

class LoginController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        $ident = $this->request->getPost("ident");
        $pwd = $this->request->getPost("password");

        $auth = new Authentifaction();

        $result = $auth->find(
                "Login = $ident AND Mot_De_Passe = $pwd"


I don't know why he dosen't find the module. It's the same for IndexController.

Sorry for my bad english.



problem solved, in the router it's "m" for module and not "module".