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Unable to locate package php7.0-phalcon

lsb_release -a output

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch)
Release:    9.8
Codename:   stretch

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/phalcon_stable.list output

# this file was generated by packagecloud.io for
# the repository at https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable

deb https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian/ stretch main
deb-src https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian/ stretch main

But I get Unable to locate package php7.0-phalcon when I run apt-get install php7.0-phalcon.

There is no output in apt-cache search php7.0-phalcon command.

I followed this command curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/phalcon/stable/script.deb.sh | sudo bash to add repository.

And I also run apt-get update multiple times

edited Feb '19

apt-cache search phalcon and apt show php7.0-phalcon

what do you have in there as a result?

AFAIK latest Debian/GNU has PHP version > 7.0 ? EDIT: I was wrong: https://packages.debian.org/stretch/php

So confirm output above..

There is no output on apt-cache search phalcon.

apt show php7.0-phalcon Output is

N: Unable to locate package php7.0-phalcon
N: Couldn't find any package by glob 'php7.0-phalcon'
N: Couldn't find any package by regex 'php7.0-phalcon'
N: Unable to locate package php7.0-phalcon
N: Couldn't find any package by glob 'php7.0-phalcon'
N: Couldn't find any package by regex 'php7.0-phalcon'
E: No packages found

That's odd, it looks like you're not fetching info from the remote repo at all.

So package maintainer shall be pinged on this @sergeyklay

any updates?

same here :(

I need two versions of phalcon - 3.x for php7.0 and 4.x for php7.4

I disabled phalcon from sury.org:

Package: *phalcon*
Pin: origin packages.sury.org
Pin-Priority: -1

7.4 is ok:

❯ apt policy php7.4-phalcon                                                                                     
  Installed: 4.0.5-923+php7.4
  Candidate: 4.0.5-923+php7.4
  Version table:
 *** 4.0.5-923+php7.4 500
        500 https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian buster/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     4.0.4-908+php7.4 500
        500 https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian buster/main amd64 Packages
     4.0.3-894+php7.4 500
        500 https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian buster/main amd64 Packages
     4.0.2-884+php7.4 500
        500 https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian buster/main amd64 Packages
     4.0.0-861+php7.4 500
        500 https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian buster/main amd64 Packages
     4.0.0-860+php7.4 500
        500 https://packagecloud.io/phalcon/stable/debian buster/main amd64 Packages

but 7.0 is not:

❯ apt policy php7.0-phalcon                                                                                     
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: (none)
  Version table:

❯ apt policy php7.0-phalcon3                                                                                    
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: (none)
  Version table:

❯ apt show php7.0-phalcon                                                                                       
Package: php7.0-phalcon3
State: not a real package (virtual)
N: No packages found

❯ apt show php7.0-phalcon3                                                                                      
Package: php7.0-phalcon3
State: not a real package (virtual)
N: Can't select candidate version from package php7.0-phalcon3 as it has no candidate
N: Can't select versions from package 'php7.0-phalcon3' as it is purely virtual
N: No packages found

@sergeyklay could you help with it?

Thank you!


...seems to be the thread is not up in index after the reply :(

may be cos I got error on submit:

500 We’ll be back soon!

any updates?

same here :(

I need two versions of phalcon - 3.x for php7.0 and 4.x for php7.4

There is no Phalcon 3.x package for PHP 7.4. I'm sorry

but 7.0 is not:

❯ apt policy php7.0-phalcon                                                                                     
 Installed: (none)
 Candidate: (none)
 Version table:

❯ apt policy php7.0-phalcon3                                                                                    
 Installed: (none)
 Candidate: (none)
 Version table:

❯ apt show php7.0-phalcon                                                                                       
Package: php7.0-phalcon3
State: not a real package (virtual)
N: No packages found

❯ apt show php7.0-phalcon3                                                                                      
Package: php7.0-phalcon3
State: not a real package (virtual)
N: Can't select candidate version from package php7.0-phalcon3 as it has no candidate
N: Can't select versions from package 'php7.0-phalcon3' as it is purely virtual
N: No packages found

@sergeyklay could you help with it?

Thank you!

There are all 3.4.5 packages: https://packagecloud.io/app/phalcon/stable/search?q=3.4.5&filter=all&filter=all&dist=ubuntu

@sergeyklay thanks for the reply!

There is no Phalcon 3.x package for PHP 7.4. I'm sorry

I have two versions of php installed - 7.0 and 7.4 (update-alternatives + two php-fpm). so phalcon 3.x is needed for 7.0 only. I wish to install php7.0-phalcon3

There are all 3.4.5 packages...

Yes, but I get this:

❯ apt show php7.0-phalcon                                                                                       
Package: php7.0-phalcon3
State: not a real package (virtual)
N: No packages found

❯ apt show php7.0-phalcon3                                                                                      
Package: php7.0-phalcon3
State: not a real package (virtual)
N: Can't select candidate version from package php7.0-phalcon3 as it has no candidate
N: Can't select versions from package 'php7.0-phalcon3' as it is purely virtual
N: No packages found

How can I install it?

Thank you!

edited May '20

Can you download by hand the required package from a page I provided above?

edited May '20

Can you download by hand the required package from a page I provided above?

yes, downloaded and installed via dpkg without any problem

thank you for the tip)

Can you accept answer then?

Can you accept answer then?

I clicked thumbs up) Can't find "accept answer" action (

btw, though the problem is solved, the solution is pretty hacky, since the repo still not allowed to install the package