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Avoiding dummy models for each table

To use query builder I have to create a class for each table: class Foo extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model{}

Is there any way to avoid this?

I think query builder should create non-predifiend models in background and implicity.


I don't think so, 'cause you need to store the result of executeQuery in a instance of the Model you search in the db (at least from what I know and read).


Your comment is not clear for me.

edited Jul '14

I mean that you'll need a variable of some type (model) in which the data resultset can be saved.


You can create an autoloader that automatically defines not existing classes:

spl_autoload_register(function($className) {
  eval("class $className extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model { };");

edited Jul '14

I think adding such autoloader is not safe. I need only create class when the class is refered by the query builder, not for all unavailable classes.

edited Jul '14

Using a namespace you can filter those classes that are models:

spl_autoload_register(function($className) {
    if (strpos($className, 'App\Models') !== false) {
        eval("class $className extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model { };");
$robots = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()