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Weird issue with model relationship

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here but here goes..

I have 2 models, Products and ProductsPages that contain relations in the initialize() method in each file respectively:

$this->hasMany('id', 'Pkg\Lib\Core\Products\Models\ProductsPages', 'product_id');
$this->belongsTo('product_id', 'Pkg\Lib\Core\Products\Models\Products', 'id');

However upon calling $product->getProductPages(); the following exception is thrown:

The method "getProductsPages" doesn't exist on model "Pkg\Lib\Core\Products\Models\Products"

$product = Products::findFirst($productId); // correctly returns object of Pkg\Lib\Core\Products\Models\Products
$pages = $product->getProductsPages(); // throws exception

edited Aug '14
   $this->hasMany('id', 'Pkg\Lib\Core\Products\Models\ProductsPages', 'product_id', array(
     'alias' => 'ProductsPages'

If you want to you like


Then you should add alias, cause Phalcon doesnt understand like that, maybe use of that model at start would fix that too, but alias is faster solution!

I'm sure I tried that before posting and it didn't work!! Either way it's working now.
