Hi. I made user email verification as model's behavoir, but i have some troubles. The behavior's code:

namespace App\Models\Behaviors;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Behavior,
use App\Models\Verify;

class VerifyEmail extends Behavior implements BehaviorInterface {

    protected $event;

    function __construct($field = 'verify_email',$event_name = 'unkown')

       $this->field = $field;
       $this->event = $event_name;


    public function notify($eventType, $model)
        switch ($eventType)

            case 'afterCreate':

                $di = $model -> getDI();
                $security = $di -> getSecurity();

                $verify = new Verify;
                $verify -> event = $this->event;
                $verify -> data = $model -> email;
                $verify -> user_id = $model -> id;
                $verify -> code = $security -> generateVerifyCode();

                $verify -> create();

                $field = $this->field;

                $model -> $field = $verify -> id;

                $model -> update();

                // Sending email



As you see, i redefined __construct method to set params (field,event_name) But i need to set params dinamically, like:

 $this -> addBehavior(new VerifyEmail(array(
            'afterCreate' => array(
                'field' => 'verify_email',
                'event_name' => 'register'

I have no ideas how to do it, i think phalcon cared about that,and there are some methods to make it. I didn't found any reciepes in documentation. I'm not sure, i use behavior rightly. I would be very pleasure for any help.

P.S: sorry for bad English :)