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Cache ORM magic finders and Models with Getters and Setters


I've got my models setup with getters and setters, e.g.


  namespace Common\Coopunity\Models;

  use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;

   * Class Communnities
   * @package Common\Coopunity\Models
   * @author Andre Figueira <[email protected]>
  class Communities extends Model
       * @var int
      protected $id;

       * @var string
      protected $name;

       * @var string
      protected $permalink;

       * @var string
      protected $description;

       * @var string
      protected $date;

       * @var \Common\Coopunity\Models\CommunitySettings
      public $settings;

      protected static $cache = array();

       * @return array
      public function columnMap()
          return array(
              'id' => 'id',
              'name' => 'name',
              'permalink' => 'permalink',
              'description' => 'description',
              'date' => 'date',

       * Initialize
      public function initialize()

              'communitiesId', 'streamId',
                  'alias' => 'stream',

       * @return int
      public function getId()
          return $this->id;

       * @param int $id
       * @return $this
      public function setId($id)
          $this->id = $id;

          return $this;

       * @return string
      public function getName()
          return $this->name;

       * @param string $name
       * @return $this
      public function setName($name)
          $this->name = $name;

          return $this;

       * @return string
      public function getPermalink()
          return $this->permalink;

       * @param string $permalink
       * @return $this
      public function setPermalink($permalink)
          $this->permalink = $permalink;

          return $this;

       * @return string
      public function getDescription()
          return $this->description;

       * @param string $description
       * @return $this
      public function setDescription($description)
          $this->description = $description;

          return $this;

       * @return string
      public function getDate()
          return $this->date;

       * @param string $date
       * @return $this
      public function setDate($date)
          $this->date = $date;

          return $this;

       * Fetches an instance of CommunitySettings for a community
       * @param $communitiesId
       * @return CommunitySettings
       * @throws Exception
      public static function fetchCommunitiesSettings($communitiesId)
          $community = new Communities();

          $settings = $community->getModelsManager()->createBuilder()
                  'Common\Coopunity\Models\Settings.key as key',
                  'Common\Coopunity\Models\CommunitiesSettings.value as value',
              ->leftJoin('Common\Coopunity\Models\CommunitiesSettings', 'Common\Coopunity\Models\CommunitiesSettings.communitiesId = "' . $communitiesId . '"')
              ->where('Common\Coopunity\Models\Settings.id = Common\Coopunity\Models\CommunitiesSettings.settingsId')
              ->andWhere('Common\Coopunity\Models\Settings.type = :type:', array('type' => Settings::SETTING_TYPE_COMMUNITY))

          $communitySettings = new CommunitySettings();

          foreach ($settings as $setting) {
              $setterNameKey = ucfirst($setting->key);
              $setterName = 'set' . $setterNameKey;

              if (method_exists($communitySettings, $setterName)) {
              } else {
                  throw new Exception('Non existent settings setter: ' . $setterName);

          return $communitySettings;

       * After the Communities class has been instanciated fetches the community settings
       * @throws Exception
      public function afterFetch()
          $this->settings = Communities::fetchCommunitiesSettings($this->id);

       * After a Communities save, it runs through and saves related community settings
       * @throws Exception
      public function afterSave()
          $settings = Settings::find('type = "' . Settings::SETTING_TYPE_COMMUNITY . '"');

          foreach ($settings as $setting) {
              $communitiesSettings = CommunitiesSettings::findFirst('communitiesId = "' . $this->getId() . '" AND settingsId = "' . $setting->getId() . '"');

              if (!$communitiesSettings) {
                  $communitiesSettings = new CommunitiesSettings();

              $key = ucfirst($setting->getKey());
              $getterName = 'get' . $key;

              if (is_object($this->settings)) {
                  $value = $this->settings->{$getterName}();

                  if ($value != null) {

                      if (!$communitiesSettings->save()) {
                          throw new Exception('Failed to save user settings');

How can I cache this, I have my modelCache setup using Redis, In volt, I access the vars using the getters of the model.

Thanks in advance

You want to cache the various getXYZ() methods? Why? They're not doing any work, so caching won't really save you any performance.

Not exactly what I asked, I said, I want to cache the results, I have getters and setters, the values (properties) are set as protected, what's the best way to cache with Phalcon.

You want to cache the various getXYZ() methods? Why? They're not doing any work, so caching won't really save you any performance.


In your initial request, you asked "How can I cache this". Since you mentioned getters/setters, I thought that's what you meant. Now you're saying you want to cache the results and I have to admit I'm not sure exactly what you want to cache. Could you describe a situation where this ideal cache would be used & accessed?