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Oracle problem ugrading to phalcon 2.0

Hi all, I'm quite new to phalcon. I set up my very first project some days ago, today I've upgraded to phalcon 2.0 and my db access (Oracle!), has stopped working. This is the exeption I've got

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Call to undefined method Phalcon\\Db\\Dialect\\Oracle::tableexists()' in /var/www/html/cupido/app/controllers/ApiController.php:49\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter->tableExists

and these are my snippets.

    //Setup the database service
    $di->set('db', function(){
        return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Oracle(array(
            "username" => "myuser",
            "password" => "mypwd",
class Profiles extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
    public function initialize()
    $profile = Profiles::findFirst(array(
        "conditions" => "USERID = ?1",
        "bind"       => array(1 => $dserid)

How can I fix them? Thank you very much! Stefano

Hi, i have the same problem after the upgrade to phalcon 2. Someone have a solution?

i have tried to install from scratch apache2 php5 php5-phalcon oci pdo-oci. The problem is not the upgrade but somthing in the version 2 of phalcon. Can someone check if oracle adapter and dialect are correct?

Thank you very much