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Is it a bug?


public class SomeModel
    public $id; //Not nullable
    public $fieldA; //Not nullable
    public $fieldB; //Not nullable


public class SomeController
    public function SomeAction()
        $someModel = SomeModel::findFirst(...);
        $someModel->fieldB = 123;
        //if the original value of fieldA in db is empty string, it will raise an error here
        //fieldA is required


what version are you using?

Try using

public class SomeController
     public function SomeAction()
         $someModel = SomeModel::findFirst(...);
         $someModel->fieldB = 123;

Instead of update


Update to phalcon 2.0.4 , 2.0.3 had a issue with update when the record exsitis thats why its not updating , like casey said in 2.0.3 you had to use save instaed of update


Both version 2.0.3, 2.0.4 and 2.0.5 have this issue.


Did you try Dynamic Update?

That should only update the fields that you changed.