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an issue regarding dispatcher

my app triggered the dispatcher event twice each time I visit it. And I found out the reason is that I am missing a favicon. If any of you have ideas regarding issues similar to this, please comment, so people can find out corresponding solutions sooner and easier, I am willing to give points to you who can provide the most helpful info for the public. FYI I spent 2+ hours trying to figure it out.

You've not really asked a question have you? I understand your frustration - but what are we supposed to answer with?


no the problem is solved. But I wish people share their experience and make useful knowledge more accessable to the public, so in the future whoever have similar problem can easily find it. btw, actually I'm not frustrated, I've learn a few other very valuable knowledge while finding the solution; Phalcon is really really nice, super happy with this framework.

You've not really asked a question have you? I understand your frustration - but what are we supposed to answer with?


This isn't really an issue with Phalcon, any framework that uses "catch-all-not-found-and-redirect-to-index.php" faces this problem. You might want to limit the redirections, for example exclude files \.(js|css|swf|ico|png|jpg|jpeg|gif)$ and folders like ^/(css|img|js)/