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Pointer to building a blog in Phalcon


I have an existing website running on Phalcon and I want to build a blog section and tied to the original site. I have no experience with wordpress and I am wondering if it is a better option instead of building the blog yourself?

Also, if I build the blog myself how can I take care of the styling issue of the posts? Do I use a CKEditor or I build static pages and I only store the reference name in the Mysql database?

If wordpress then can you point me to some resources to get me started? Many thanks.


Hi. Probably you will have various viewpoints about this question. I believe that a complex blog, you should use wordpress. It is very good and have a long period of development. For you construct anything like, probably it would take a long time. Sure that phalcon is good to for this and any other idea. But on this case, the best way maybe is wordpress.

Read about wordpress, have many contents on web about this and your documentation is very good, not to mention the amount of plugins availables. Wordpress Documentation

Well, i hope this helps. Sorry about my english.



If you want to create a blog with Phalcon you can use Phanbook, see here https://github.com/phanbook/phanbook and demo my blog use it https://ama.phanbook.com/


Hi, personally I can not stand wordpress and other similar systems. That said, they are obviously ok for people who are not developers or people in a hurry. They confine you to doing things their way, and hackers and bots are always trying to attack these systems because they are all the same and there are so many of them running the same code base, so you always have to keep applying the latest updates. If you heavily mod these systems, the updates can destroy your mods.

If you are into programming, then building your own blog system is not a complicated project and will be more rewarding for you, and you can start quite simple and improve it over time. Once you have something that you are happy with, you can reuse it if you want, or even use it as base for an entirely different project.

Start off by designing your database, then build the site around that. How you get your posts into and out of the database is your choice - there is no point using static html pages when you have the power to create a database driven, reusable system! A WYSIWYG editor such as CKEditor is a good choice as it will alow you to concentrate on your article with out you having to take care of all the HTML as well. Save your post to the database, then retrieve it from the database when someone wants to read it. Reference the page in the url like domain.com/blog/my-article-title_24/ where 24 is the id of the article in the database.

I would also recommend that rather than adding your Phalcon coded blog to your existing site, you instead, rebuild your whole site using Phalcon, and transfer your existing pages to it, either just as static pages or dynamic or a mix of both. That way it will be better when you come to expand or modify your site in the future.

It all really boils down to these factors.

  1. Are you in a hurry? - if yes, then Wordpress
  2. Do you want to learn PHP/MySQL/Phalcon? - if yes, then Phalcon
  3. Will you find it rewarding to develop your own system that works how you want? - if yes, then Phalcon
edited Nov '15

Hi, thanks for helping me out. I developed my site in Phalcon and using volt template already (I realized it was not mentioned in the original question so I edited it now). I am just trying to see if there is an existing plugin I can use for blogs in Phalcon for quick development. After some headaches of trying to incorporating WP onto my site because of routing issues, I think I will build the blog myself so is there a CKEditor you can recommend to me?

Hi, personally I can not stand wordpress and other similar systems. That said, they are obviously ok for people who are not developers or people in a hurry. They confine you to doing things their way, and hackers and bots are always trying to attack these systems because they are all the same and there are so many of them running the same code base, so you always have to keep applying the latest updates. If you heavily mod these systems, the updates can destroy your mods.

If you are into programming, then building your own blog system is not a complicated project and will be more rewarding for you, and you can start quite simple and improve it over time. Once you have something that you are happy with, you can reuse it if you want, or even use it as base for an entirely different project.

Start off by designing your database, then build the site around that. How you get your posts into and out of the database is your choice - there is no point using static html pages when you have the power to create a database driven, reusable system! A WYSIWYG editor such as CKEditor is a good choice as it will alow you to concentrate on your article with out you having to take care of all the HTML as well. Save your post to the database, then retrieve it from the database when someone wants to read it. Reference the page in the url like domain.com/blog/my-article-title_24/ where 24 is the id of the article in the database.

I would also recommend that rather than adding your Phalcon coded blog to your existing site, you instead, rebuild your whole site using Phalcon, and transfer your existing pages to it, either just as static pages or dynamic or a mix of both. That way it will be better when you come to expand or modify your site in the future.

It all really boils down to these factors.

  1. Are you in a hurry? - if yes, then Wordpress
  2. Do you want to learn PHP/MySQL/Phalcon? - if yes, then Phalcon
  3. Will you find it rewarding to develop your own system that works how you want? - if yes, then Phalcon
edited Nov '15

Thanks for helping me out. Do I use composer and DI to use this service on my website which is already running on Phalcon?


If you want to create a blog with Phalcon you can use Phanbook, see here https://github.com/phanbook/phanbook and demo my blog use it https://ama.phanbook.com/


CKEditor is just a javascript editor. So in your post form you simply make a textarea for your post content, and attatch CKEditor to it as explained on the CKEditor website.


I should add also, if you have already built your site with Phalcon, then creating your own blog or addapting one someone else has made for Phalcon is your best bet and a dam sight better than trying to mess about with wordpress!

Thanks alot!

I should add also, if you have already built your site with Phalcon, then creating your own blog or addapting one someone else has made for Phalcon is your best bet and a dam sight better than trying to mess about with wordpress!

Thanks for the solutoin. I'm looking for the same for my blog.